
Your Smile Is Our Mission…

Thank you for joining us in caring for your oral and overall health as we strive to deliver to you the most comfortable, pleasurable experience you can have while receiving evidence-based care.

We understand that every individual comes with various lifestyles, experiences and needs, we will develop an oral hygiene program that fits your goals, lifestyles and needs and achieve results we can both be proud of.

Our focus is purely on prevention and recognizing the link between oral health and systemic health.

We are pleased and confident to offer one-on-one care that is never rushed and always personalized. We listen to your needs so you can have a dental cleaning or whitening treatment that you look forward to every time!

Kick back . Clean . Whiten. SMILE.

Meet the founder -


Independent Dental Hygiene Practitioner, UBC Bachelor of Dental Science (dental hygiene)

  • CPR Health Care Provider

  • ZOOM Whitening

  • MRC Myobrace Myofunctional

  • UBC Dentistry Alumni

  • Member of the BC Dental Hygiene Association (Since 2011)

  • Member of the Canadian Dental Hygiene Association (Since 2011)

Rosie believes in the “golden rule”, which means that she always treats her patients the way she wants to be treated.

Rosie holds a UBC Dental Science (Dental Hygiene) Degree and is an independent dental hygiene practitioner in British Columbia. She had the pleasure of providing comprehensive care for ten years in private practice as well as five years of care in various communities such as UBC Nobel Biocare Oral Health, mental health facilities, residential care facilities and the Vancouver Public Health Children's Dental Program.

Rosie firmly believes in the philosophy that dental hygienists are the main health care providers for patients as patients visit hygienists on average 2-4 times a year, which is usually more often than other health care providers. Good health starts in the mouth and many systemic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis can manifest in the mouth; thus, the oral health and systemic health link will be explored during each visit. Rosie will see every patient as a comprehensive whole so patients can leave the office feeling better, looking better and be more confident with their smile. Her goal is to give every individual the opportunity to reach their full potential so they can be the best version of themselves in life.

Fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, patients describe Rosie as reliable, understanding, genuine and efficient. Rosie chose to establish Pure dental hygiene & teeth whitening for greater autonomy in decision making and more in depth one-on-one oral promotion without the time crunch. When Rosie is not creating confident smiles in Vancouver, she indulges in culinary adventures around town, traveling the world, and learning about the next health trend. Rosie thoroughly enjoys dealing with patients from all walks of life and hopes to harbour strong, respectful rapport with anyone walking through the doors of PURE dental hygiene & teeth whitening.



Born and raised in Montreal and moved to Vancouver 15 years ago, Jimmy joined the team as a Clinical Operations & Dental Office Manager since 2020.

Jimmy become an integral part of the team at Pure Dental Hygiene & Teeth Whitening in supporting the clinical and managing the business, assuring the days run smoothly. Meeting all the new patients, building relationships with patients and being a part of transforming someone’s smile and confidence are his favourite parts of his job. In his free time, he enjoys skiing and hiking the beautiful British-Columbia.